19 Jan 2025

Cookies Policy

Last updated on: January 15, 2025

On this page

Welcome to the The Coinomist website. This Cookies Policy should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 

This Cookies Policy explains how We use cookies and similar technologies and the rights of users to manage and control the use of cookies. Whenever you use or visit the Website, information may be collected. We are committed to protecting the personal information collected when you use the Website.

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please contact us at [email protected]


Cookies are used to collect data from your device for the purposes of security and improvement of the browning experience.

Cookies are especially necessary for your navigation as technical cookies. Some operations cannot be performed without the use of cookies, as they serve to keep your use of the website secure, as well as to prevent and/or detect fraudulent, or other illegal activity. This includes such information about your device and browser, as, for example, information about your device type, used browser, operating system, and IP address. Please be aware, that due to the mentioned security reasons, you may not be able to initiate and/or execute particular activities, and/or use particular functionalities on the website unless such strictly required cookies (as described below) are installed on your device and information received by the website corresponds with The Coinomist security policies.

Additionally, cookies are used to improve your user experience, for example, to remember preferences, ensure relevance of provided content, and features, enhance website navigation, etc.

We use the cookies on our website for the following purposes:

  • ensure user security and privacy while visiting our site and using its functionality;
  • remember user preferences and enhance the user's browsing experience;
  • other purposes that are required for providing our services, as described below.

Strictly Necessary (Mandatory) Cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website functionality and user functionality, and therefore cannot be disabled without affecting your possibility to use the website, causing it not to work fully or in essential parts. These cookies will always be on unless you change the settings in the browser as described in this Cookies Policy. Changing these settings may affect the viewing of the pages of our website, as it cannot function properly without these cookies. Please be aware that these cookies are not used for any other, including marketing, purposes.

Name PurposeDurationProvider and host
auth_tokenAuthentication token for user sessionsSessionThe Coinomist
kdtUsed for security purposes1 yearThe Coinomist
mucUsed for security purposes2 yearsThe Coinomist
twidTwitter ID cookie, used for identification2 yearsTwitter, Host: .twitter.com
cfz_facebook-pixelUsed by Meta (Facebook) tracking pixel for conversion tracking and analyticsSessioFacebook, Host: .example.com

Functional (Essential) Cookies

These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization and remember the choices you made. For example, remembering which pages you visited and personalizing your experience for the features of the website, that can be customized. Although these cookies do not affect the possibility of using the core functionality of the website, however without them, we are not able to remember the choices you earlier made, as well as to personalize your experience of using the website. 

NamePurposeDurationProvider and host
currentSortingStores current sorting preference of the userSession
currentViewStores current view preference of the userSession
projectStoreUsed to store project-related informationSession
coinsPerPageStores number of items per page in a listingSession
d_prefsStores display preferences of usersSession
projectStoreUsed to store project-related informationSession

Analytical (Performance) Cookies

These cookies are used to collect information anonymously about the website's use, such as the pages visited by users, time spent, number of clicks, favorite pages, etc. The anonymized information is used to assess the performance of the website, and the activity of the websites and to prepare navigation plans of the users, edit the website, and fix bugs or errors, if any. This data is not used to target you with advertisements, or any other marketing activities.

NamePurposeDuration Provider and host
SL_C_23361dd035530_SIDTracking user session for analyticsSession
_gaUsed to distinguish users for Google Analytics2 yearsGoogle
_hjSessionUser_3240024Used to set a unique ID for the session to track user behavior1 yearHotjar
_hjSessionUser_3827486Used to set a unique ID for the session to track user behavior1 yearHotjar
cfz_redditlUsed by Reddit to track the user engagement analyticsSessionReddit, Host: .example.com
google-analytics_TEJW___gaUsed for tracking user behavior2 yearsGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__counterUsed for user engagement trackingSessionGoogle
nalytics_v4_eZPt__engagementDurationUsed to measure engagement durationSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__engagementPausedUsed to measure paused engagementSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__engagementStartUsed to measure start of engagementSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__letUsed for determining user interaction latencySessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__session_counterUsed to count user sessionsSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__counterUsed for user engagement trackingSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__engagementDurationUsed to measure engagement durationSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_eZPt__ga4Used for user behavior tracking2 yearsGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__ga4Used for user behavior tracking2 yearsGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__engagementPausedUsed to measure paused engagementSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__engagementStartUsed to measure start of engagementSessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__letUsed for determining user interaction latencySessionGoogle
google-analytics_v4_pmIp__sesUsed to track user sessionsSessionGoogle

Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver you personalized services, advertisements, messages, etc. We will use this information to make the website and the advertising displayed on it (if any) more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose. Please be aware that rejecting these cookies will not deprive us of performing our general marketing and advertising activities, however, they could be not relevant to your individual interests and preferences.

NamePurpose PresenceProvider and host
google-analytics_v4_pmIp___z_ga_audiencesUsed for building audiences for remarketingSessionGoogle
guest_idUsed to identify guest users for tracking and personalization2 years
guest_id_adsUsed to identify guest users for ad targeting2 years
guest_id_marketingUsed to identify guest users for marketing purposes2 years

You can choose to permit us to install cookies in your device and collect the mentioned information, or to reject all or any of the cookies (apart from strictly necessary) using [Cookies preferences page].  

Through this page, you can also control, manage, and change your preferences at any time. If you initially consented to use any category of non-essential cookies, but further changed your preferences and disabled us from using any of them, we will update the system as soon as reasonably possible in order to stop using them. However, data collected within the period of the validity of your consent will be deemed as legally collected and used subject to the conditions of our Privacy Policy.

It is also possible to disable, delete or block cookies by configuring the browser settings. 

Please be aware that rejection of cookies will not preclude you from using the website (apart from strictly necessary cookies). However, disabling or limiting cookies may prevent our website from personalizing your experience. Additionally, it may prevent you from saving customized settings, e.g. login information.

We may update and/or change the terms of this Cookie Policy, and We will inform you about such changes via [Cookies preferences page] while asking to decide if you accept and/or reject such changes. If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, as well as any other relevant questions, please, contact us at [email protected].