Konami is getting into Web3
Many gaming giants see great opportunity in Web3 despite the mixed reactions from avid gamers to the advent of the metaverse and NFT games. Now it’s the turn of Konami, one of the oldest gaming companies.
Video game developer Konami Digital Entertainment took its first steps in this direction in early 2022. The company released the NFT collection featuring the legendary Castlevania game, which coincided with the 35-year anniversary of the release of the eponymous game. Revenue from the sales of non-fungible Castlevania tokens amounted to over $150,000. The most expensive token, Dracula's Castle, was sold for $26,732.
“Dracula's castle” pixel art
The company decided not to stop there and in October 2022 announced that it will be recruiting a “wide range of talents” for system construction and service development in the field of Web3 and metaverse. Konami’s press release lists the full range of required specialists: designers, programmers, engineers, directors, lawyers and even accountants.
The company also plans to launch a gaming service that will allow players to trade their in-game NFT and transfer them to other services through a “a unique digital item distribution platform”. To do this, Konami has been conducting research into the latest technology in games and content.
Taking into consideration the fact that the NFT game market is losing its popularity in 2022, such statements do not leave the community indifferent. Some die-hard fans of classic 8-bit games reacted negatively.The main reason for such a reaction is not the company’s desire to integrate into the Web3 world, but an unsubstantiated press release, in which there is a lot of talk about uniqueness without any facts. Although there are those who are happy to wait for the rebirth of the classics into the metaverse.
But another gaming giant, Ubisoft, had to abandon its metaverse even at the idea stage. The negative feedback from the company's employees was the main problem. Most of them refused to work in the direction of NFT-games and Web3.
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