A decade of Telegram – the platform turns 10 today!
Pavel Durov, the founder of the network, sent out warm wishes to all users from his channel. Some highlights: Telegram’s decade-long marathon has culminated in a robust 800 million active user base, all achieved advertisement-free; The next ambition is to exceed basic communication and metamorphose into something transcending a mere social platform. The next 10 years promise the unfolding of Telegram’s full promise. Celebrating this landmark! Our journey lacks essence without you!
On this page
Pavel Durov, the founder of the network, sent out warm wishes to all users from his channel.
Some highlights:
- Telegram’s decade-long marathon has culminated in a robust 800 million active user base, all achieved advertisement-free;
- The next ambition is to exceed basic communication and metamorphose into something transcending a mere social platform.
- The next 10 years promise the unfolding of Telegram’s full promise.
Celebrating this landmark! Our journey lacks essence without you!
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