The Dramatic Tale of FTX Sparks the Production of a Comedy
Web3 studio Toonstar is currently developing an animated satirical series named FORTUN3. The show’s storyline draws inspiration from the real-life events surrounding the FTX exchange, spotlighting Sam Bankman-Fried. The release of the series is scheduled for this coming fall. Viewers will have the opportunity to interact with the show through an online game that can be accessed via an NFT.
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Web3 studio Toonstar is currently developing an animated satirical series named FORTUN3. The show's storyline draws inspiration from the real-life events surrounding the FTX exchange, spotlighting Sam Bankman-Fried.
The release of the series is scheduled for this coming fall. Viewers will have the opportunity to interact with the show through an online game that can be accessed via an NFT.
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